Friday, August 29, 2008

Well, the Impact Boot Camp has ended, but the Impact has just begun!
The over 100 attendees and 15 or so staff have formed groups
that will be blitzing the world with our message in highly
specialized ways...

I am a part of the PR/Media team, and it was our job to
come up with the focus of our live tv and radio interviews...

We came up with the acronym G.I.V.E. as our 4 simple steps
any person can take to have impact in the world starting NOW.

G-- Greet. How often do you pass someone on the street, in an aisle
at the store, get on a n elevator with someone and work hard to
look away or avoid any sort of contact? Just a hello, or a smile, could be the
thing that makes the difference in that other person's day.

Simple, right? But wait- there's more!

I-- Include. Include yourself in the world around you,
and even more importantly- include others in
what you are doing... especially those people you see
that are withdrawing from the world.

V-- Validate. Oh my, just saying thank you to someone
who bags your groceries or pauses to let you pass or
makes your change at the register... Powerful Stuff!!!
Compliment someone. Compliment a stranger! Easy, right?

E-- Empathize-- you may not always be able to relate to where someone is coming from, but, if they are sharing their
stories, opinions, ideas, or feelings with you, you should always make the
extra effort to convey to them that you are hearing their words
and understand their meaning.

Simple. Easy. Everyday. Regular. IMPACT.

Now go out and create some!

Keith deBolt

Deremiah*CPE and teen suicide prevention

Well, the Impact Boot Camp has ended, but the Impact
has just begun!
The over 100 attendees and 15 or so staff have formed groups
that will be blitzing the world with our message in highly
specialized ways...

I am a part of the PR/Media team, and it was our job to
come up with the focus of our live tv and radio interviews...

We came up with the acronym G.I.V.E. as our 4 simple steps
any person can take to have impact in the world starting NOW.

G-- Greet. How often do you pass someone on the street, in an aisle
at the store, get on a n elevator with someone and work hard to
look away or avoid any sort of contact? Just a hello, or a smile, could be the
thing that makes the difference in that other person's day.

Simple, right? But wait- there's more!

I-- Include. Include yourself in the world around you,
and even more importantly- include others in
what you are doing... especially those people you see
that are withdrawing from the world.

V-- Validate. Oh my, just saying thank you to someone
who bags your groceries or pauses to let you pass or
makes your change at the register... Powerful Stuff!!!
Compliment someone. Compliment a stranger! Easy, right?

E-- Empathize-- you may not always be able to relate to
where someone is coming from, but, if they are sharing their
stories, opinions, ideas, or feelings with you, you should always make the
extra effort to convey to them that you are hearing their words
and understand their meaning.

Simple. Easy. Everyday. Regular. IMPACT.

Now go out and create some!

Keith deBolt

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Surveys say 85% want to write a book- only 65% want to read a book...?? Words of wit from Warren Whitlock.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Where to live the Marketer Mindset

I am sitting in the ballroom at the Sheraton in Langhorn, Pennsylvania learning more and more about creating Major Impact!

I am here to tell you that the very best way to develop, own, and then LIVE your Marketer Mindset is to put yourself right in the middle of a room full of marketers!

Sitting (or standing) with other people who are doing just what you are is priceless. You can't help but pick up the emotion, the drive, the conviction and excitement that a successful marketer knows. It really is contagious... and that's a good thing!

Again, I will say it endlessly to you:
Think like a marketer instead of a mark. When you find yourself at a live event, talking with and listening to marketers, you become a part of.

And that's a good thing.

To your increasing Focus-


Dr. Ron the niche prof knows tons about the marketer mindset... Impact Boot Camp is rockin! Don't forget... it's all about the mindset!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Getting ready for Major Impact!

I have been upping my game online these days by going to live events and meeting other marketers.
There is nothing like sharing ideas, laughs, dinner, etc. with the people who are doing what you are doing.
It somehow makes all the mundane tasks of operating websites seem a little bit more 'normal' when you can talk about what you do with other real live humans.
The internet can be a lonely place...
And a very lonely place to make a living!

Meeting others who are like-minded, with similar goals and obstacles and roadblocks and skills and interests... well, it just plain changes your outlook!

Going to marketing seminars might just be the thing that gets you over the hump in your business building--
I strongly recommend it!

I am going to be in Philly with the Impact Action Team- developing a strategy for creating HUGE Impact!