Friday, August 22, 2008

Where to live the Marketer Mindset

I am sitting in the ballroom at the Sheraton in Langhorn, Pennsylvania learning more and more about creating Major Impact!

I am here to tell you that the very best way to develop, own, and then LIVE your Marketer Mindset is to put yourself right in the middle of a room full of marketers!

Sitting (or standing) with other people who are doing just what you are is priceless. You can't help but pick up the emotion, the drive, the conviction and excitement that a successful marketer knows. It really is contagious... and that's a good thing!

Again, I will say it endlessly to you:
Think like a marketer instead of a mark. When you find yourself at a live event, talking with and listening to marketers, you become a part of.

And that's a good thing.

To your increasing Focus-


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